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Khonoma village.JPG


Walk around Khonoma village and see the forts which are used for defence during the Anglo-Indian War at Khonoma  from 1850 to 1880, Peer group house, Morungs which are used as informal institution, British monolith site, and stone made vehicular roads.


The word Naga refers to all the race of Naga people with diverse culture and Bivouac is a French word translating to temporary encampment, Naga Bivouac comes with an objective of letting our guest have a taste of Naga culture, environment and social life in their temporary stay.

Based in Green Village Khonoma, Nagaland, Naga Bivouac is your eco-friendly travel partner for North East India. With over 10 years of experience in Eco-Tourism and destination management, we have been learning the art of providing meaningful holidays to our guests from across the world. Our holidays not only ensure a great experience for you, but also ensure the positive contribution to both the community and environment at the same time.

Our deep rooted connections with the community enable us to take you deep into the Naga culture and make you experience a culture that has long been hidden from the outside world. Our love for the mother Nature and our people motivates us each and every day to minimize the carbon footprints of our travellers, be sensitive of local culture, ecology and bio-diversity, and support the community with responsible and sustainable tourism. 

  • Evengelist all tourist to be a responsible traveller. 

  • Explore,  Develop and Promote Tourism activities for a sustainable destination.

Our Core Values
  •  Customise Tourism products according to our guest wants. 

  •  Provide clear informations prior to their visit.

  •  Share, Interact and provide positive memories with warm hospitality. 

  •  Give the best and safe  environment for all our guest. 

  • Favour one to one interaction between guest  and local people for a better understanding and appreciation of local life. 

  • Care for the Community of Life – Our first and foremost objective is to bring tourism that impact positively impact our community partners and our land.                                               

  • Gender Equality – Just like our society, we treat men and women alike.

  • Employment opportunities to youth – We have a fleet of young boys and girls who love to show you around.

  • Conservation of Art and Natural Resources – Over the years, we have engaged youth and the community in various activities such as reviving cultural songs, traditional games, and tourism awareness programs  to ensure our youth stay rooted and aware with the rapid urbanization, conserving our art, traditional farming methods, forest conservation etc.

Our Programes


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